

Parking Info

Vehicle Access

The policies for visitor parking are as follows:

  1. Less than 10 minutes: Free of charge(1,000 won passing through the front and rear Gates / Effective Date: 24.12.1.)
  2. First 30 minutes: 2,000 KRW
  3. For each additional 10 minutes: 500 KRW (50% discount applied to visitors with disabilities)
    * For each additional 10 minutes after 2 hours: 1,000 KRW
  4. Visitors attending conferences or seminars will receive a parking permit purchased by the event hosting organization
  5. Delivery vehicles, repair services vehicles, and public officer vehicles are allowed to park for free for the first hour or 3,000 KRW for 4 hours at the Parking Office (B1, 600th Anniversary Hall).
  6. To purchase a season permit, submit an individual season permit application, a copy of vehicle registration and a copy of proof of employment at the Parking Office.
    (family vehicles: submit a certificate of familiar relationship). Professors, instructors, staff members: 10,000 KRW/month, 50,000 KRW/6 months)
  • Please use the underground parking lots in the International Hall and 600th Anniversary Hallif you are a general visitor.
  • Visitors with large vehicles must contact the Parking Office (02-740-1904) first to park.

Season Permits

Application Method and Required Documents

Application Method and Required Documents
Category Application Required Documents Eligibility
Season Permit Individuals must purchase at the Parking Office Application Form, Copy of Vehicle Registration and a Copy of Proof of Employment (Enrollment)/Student ID Card (family vehicles: submit a Certificate of Familial Relationship) Professors, Part-Time Instructors, Staff Members, Researchers in Doctorate Programs, Tas, University Suppliers, Construction Vehicles
Discount Permit Submit documentary evidence → Individuals must purchase at the Parking Office Application Form, documentary evidence (official documents) University event purposes

Parking Fee

Parking Fee
Category Classification Fee Affiliation Remarks
Season Permit Faculty/Part-time Instructor 10,000 KRW/month
50,000 KRW/semester
Professors, Staff Members,
Researchers, Part-Time
Employees, Part-Time
Student 30,000 KRW/month Doctorate program
20,000 KRW/month TA
Business related to university affairs 35,000 KRW/month Postal Workers, Employees of Private Business Entities in the Campus, Labor Services Employees
50,000 KRW/month Construction Vehicles
Discount Permit University events 3,000 KRW/4 hrs
4,000 KRW/8 hrs
5,000 KRW/12 hrs
(normal rate for additional hours)
Conferences, Seminars Official Documentary Proof
3,000 KRW/4 hrs
4,000 KRW/8 hrs
Librarian’s Center
Graduate School of Confucian Studies
(Special Graduate)
Students 2,000 KRW/4 hrs
4,000 KRW/8 hrs
Doctorate program Student ID card
20,000 KRW/4 hrs 9(tickets)
30,000 KRW/6 hrs (9 tickets)
Special graduate program (night time)
10,000 KRW/day SKKU members
Events on SKKU property 3,500 KRW/4 hrs
6,000 KRW/8 hrs
10,000 KRW/day
Outside events on SKKU property Contact Parking Office

Designated Parking

Designated Parking
Affiliation Application Method Zone
General Visitors, Discount Permit Users Underground parking lots in the 600th Anniversary Hall and International Hall D-Zone
Instructors, Researchers, TAs, Students in Doctorate Programs
Professors, Staff Members, Construction Vehicles, Supply Delivery Vehicles Student Union Building, University Sports Field to the north of 600th Anniversary Hall A-Zone
Limited to Senior Professors and Staff Members Business Hall, Central Library, Faculty Hall, Economics Hall, Humanities Hall (near the lecture building) B-Zone
Professors, Staff Members Law School Building, Oknyujeong C-Zone

*Season permit users must affix the designated zone sticker on the lower corner of the driver's side of their vehicle's windshield. Users parking in the wrong zones where their assigned permit is not valid will be prohibited from reacquiring season permits.

*Inquiries: Parking Office (Floor B1, 600th Anniversary Hall) 02-740-1904

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